
“Soliphilia” is the love of the totality of our place relationships, and a willingness to accept the political responsibility for protecting and conserving them at all scales. The concept has its origins in the French solidaire (interdependent) and the Latin solidus (solid or whole), and the love of one’s fellow citizens and neighbors implied by the Greek (philia).

Soliphilia is manifest in the interdependent solidarity, and the wholeness or unity needed between people, to overcome the alienation and disempowerment present in contemporary political decision-making about the environment/sumbioment.

Soliphilia introduces the notion of political commitment to the saving of loved places at all scales, from the local to the global. This ‘philia’ is a culturally and politically inspired addition to the other philias, which have been created to give positive biological and geographical conceptions of connectivity and place.”

From Earth Emotions (2019)

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